Thursday, 29 September 2016


For my research report I shall be writing an extended essay. Throughout my extended essay I shall be research and exploring the possibilities of using games as some form of therapy - which in turn could possibly help those with anxiety and depression. I shall be looking the principles of art therapy and then apply those principles to games and how it can be a form of therapy and help those with anxiety and depression. The reason why I have chosen anxiety and depression is that they are one of the most common form of mental health problems. Though I could look as mental health in its entirety and how games can help, it wouldn’t be possible for me within this essay and so I am narrowing it down to depression and anxiety – though they in themselves are vast subjects.

Five key words I’m going to use to help to do research:
Art therapy


Year Three

Year three, it feels like I've only just started year one yesterday. It has yet to set in that I am now in my third and final year of uni.

Anyway, for our task of year three, for the asset task we must create a texture for a hallway. Two clean textures for a wall and floor, then another two textures of a dirty wall and floor. Once we created our textures, we must use vertex colours in UE4 and combine the textures.

For today I have been doing test runs of the the vertex colouring just so I know what I am doing with UE4 and here's the results from today:

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Summer Studies

It's been a while since I have posted any of my 3D art work on my blog, but I have been working on some models during the summer.

For the first lot of images, these are the high poly renders of a WW2 jeep. I have yet to finish this model, but I wanted to use Substance Design on this model and at the moment I am unable to get it. But here are the results so far:

Lastly, this model I have completed. This model is based on the lighter that my Nan gave my Granddad, when they first met in 1965. Here's the renders of both the high and low poly models