Sunday, 17 January 2016

Weekly summary: The end result for the NUA art test

The end results of my NUA art test. As with my study before this art test, I have done renders both in Maya and UE4. Still, I haven't been able to assign all the maps to the model in Maya, as I have yet to figure out where the roughness and metal map goes go.

One change I made to the props is instead of having a decanter on the dresser (as it was taking up too may polys), I instead added books, a map, pages and a locket.

Unfortunately, the normal doesn't work too week on the main dresser aside for the handles and a few warn parts. Though the normal maps on the props have worked well. 

With the pages on the dresser, there's a story to each page as there's writing on each page and there's a marking on the map. Also, there's some writing on one of the pictures and a crack on the locket. When you look closer to these objects, I hope the portray lost and decay and warned because I want it to look like the owner of the dresser to ran away.

Edit: I've notice that one of the shelves sections that the dust is placed in the wrong place and isn't in the corner. This has been corrected in the final hand in file. 

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