Friday, 21 November 2014

My own little evaluation


I personally think my outcome was well produce, i have defiantly shown improvement in using digital work since i started the project.
My favorite aspects out of the first project was the life drawings, as i am always aiming to improve my anatomy drawing skill. I also enjoyed the value environment studies, as perspective and values environments are my strongest and most enjoyable aspect in art.
One thing without a doubt i would change if i was given a chance to do this project is time management. I didn't plan my time well, and i spent too much time on the iterations.
Another aspect i would also change without a doubt, is whatever spare time i have, i will practice in using digital painting. As it's still quite new to me, as i am use to using tradition means of art.
Overall, i am quite please what i produce for my project.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Light theory


What is light?
Quite simply, light is electromagnetic radiation. These bits of electromagnet radiation comes in two forms: Linear parallel rays and multi-directional rays.

Light always travel in straight lines

Why do we need light?
It should be quite obvious why we need light, as we wont be able to see anything. But the be more specific: without light, we wont be able to what colours there is (in-fact you wouldn't be able to see any at all), you wouldn't be able to see any form nor distance of things.

How does light work?
Light is comprised of three different elements:


What do these do?
Absorbtion: With absorbtion, it increase the saturation of a colour, and also the intensity of said colour.
Reflection: Reflection is when light bounces and diffuses (bounce light)
Refraction: This is where light is deflected through an object.

Fresnel Effect:

The Fresnel is the effect of light on water. When light hits the water at a steep angle, which changes the amount of light is reflected, thus light and detailed reflection. And the opposite of this is when the light hit shallower areas of water, which the reflected light is blurred and disordered and possible see the ground under the water.

Shadows: How do they work?

The shadows of an object completely depends and is determined on the intensity and the distance of the light source. Also the closer the shadow is to the casting object, the darker the cast shadow. The further away the shadow is from the casting object the more lighter and defused the cast shadow will be.

Examples of light and shadows!
For these examples i am using concept art pieces from Alice: Madness Returns

Above are the said concept art pieces from Alice: Madness Returns. Below are the same images with annotations.

Example 1
 Example 2

In example 1 It's also quite clear to see where the light source is, and exactly where it causes bounce light. There are many instances of bounce light in this image (I only annotated a few, if not the image will be covered in annotation)

In example 2, the it's easier to see that the light rays are linear parallel rays. It's also show a perfect example of the Fresnel effect. It show that because the water is shallow, the rays of light bounces off but there is no clear reflected light, but is blurred and you are able to see under the water. 

More Sketches and prop experimentation

These are props i looked into for my character, and serve as experimentation. 

These were ideas for aviation hats for my character. I later decided not to use a aviation hat in my final character design. 

The pencil sketches of the compasses in the image below, are what i used for my props in my model sheet

These are both props (compass) experimentation but also Photoshop experimentation. When I done these i was still somewhat new to digital painting, and i wanted to see what i was capable of.



What is composition?

Composition plays a very important in art. The definition of composition is:

In the visual arts—in particular painting, graphic design, photography, and sculpture—composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art, as distinct from the subject of a work.”

Composition is comprised of several types of composition:
Divine Proportions
Rules of Thirds

Divine Proportions
Divine proportions, sometimes referred to as the 'Golden Ratio', was formulated by Marcus Virtuvis Pollio.
To which he states that: “The height of a well proportioned man is equal to his out stretched arms”

This rule can be seen within Da Vinci's vitruvian man

What is it about?
The golden ration itself is 1:1.618. It's a magical number, all nature is affected by it. It is also found everywhere in day to day life from credit cards, phone, magazines etc.

This rule can also go it what is called the “Fibonacci Spiral”. This spiral will lead the viewers eye around the image, which get them to really look at the image. All of the squares, underneath the spiral, because of the ration are equally proportional.

Rules of thirds

This rule is not as confusing as Divine Proportion. The concept of Rules of Thirds is quite simple: The canvas is divided into thirds (A tad obvious there) both vertically and horizontally.

Where the lines intersect, these will be the focal points of the painting. Though this composition technique is more common in photography, it is also found in paintings.

Example of this being used:

Take this concept art piece from Alice: Madness Returns, with the rules of third grid on top of it, you can clearly see the focal points. i.e. the teapot in the top left corner. The use of this help guide the viewer's eyes around the image.

The 'L'

The L form of composition is simply a frame within a frame.
It's quite literately a L. This is used to distinguish sections and the focal points in the painting. The L isn't always easy to spot as more often or not there are changes in shape. However, this'll make it more interesting for the viewer.

The Cross Though The Cross looks quite simple, it's actually one of the hardest forms of composition. As it's the easiest to get wrong, which'll make the image look sterile. Which isn't what you want. 

Example: Take this piece of concept art from Dragon Age: Origins 

This image demonstrates The Cross quite well. The use of The Cross creates good dynamic contrast within the image. This shows 'opposing force'.
The top section of the cross is generally lighter, and the focal point is much darker, (or visa versa in other images). This makes the image 'pop' out. 

The Iconic

This form of composition is quite simple and basic. The entire idea of it symmetry


Sketches (Experiments)

In whatever spare time i had, i did some of my own experimental figure studies to help me learn human anatomy. Which isn't the easiest thing in the world.

Also, I looked at some buildings (Via photo reference and by going to Cromer and looking at the building there) to practice perspective and drawing buildings themselves.

This image above is some sort of experimentation of mine, as i have never tried to use three point perspective before.

Reflective Journal - Week 7

Reflective Journal - Week 7

Excelsior! I have finished my finals. I am generally quite pleased how they have turned out. I do wish i could of develop on of my environment thumbnail of the New York state wilderness. But that probably turned out for the best that i done the ones that i did. As the New York wilderness was giving me a bit of trouble in the colouring stage. Also, it probably wouldn't of been as strong as the finals i did end up doing.

I've also manage to do my essay... Eventually. I did have a bit of trouble in starting the essay, but it's all done now and i did find out some fascinating things about Dishonored and about the meaning of play.

The End is in sight!


For my final environments, I decided to develop my strongest environment thumbnails (The bar interior and the cityscape) I tried to be as loose as possible with my finals, hoping not to create the same failures I had in my colour studies. Whilst drawing these, I found some awesome Photoshop brushes, which I think (mainly hopes) helped with the texture in my environments. 

 I was given advice to highlight the top of my character's head to draw the attention of the viewer. It also make it look like they belong in the environment, instead of just randomly placed.

 With the colour in this, i tried to be as loose as possible and use a large brush in Photoshop. This has been proven successful (Thankfully!)


Reflective Journal - Week 6

I am please i have completed what i set out to do this week. Though i didn't get around to start my finals like i hoped for. But they shall be my primary focus next week, along with my contextual studies essay.

During group crit and feed back from my peers, my bar interior and New Your environment studies have received a lot of positive feed back and considered my strongest. I am defiantly going to develop them further for my finals!

Colour and Value environment studies

Colour and Value environment thumbnail studies

Value studies – I absolutely love my value studies, they are my strongest out of my environment thumbnails. Once again they are of the airstrip, New York state wilderness, New York street and a bar interior.

Colour studies – I'll have to admit these are the strongest thing I've drawn, as I am not use to working in colour. However I do love the bar colour thumb nail.  

Think i am going to develop the bar interior and the New York city street further and use them for my finals

Reflective Journal - Week five

Reflective Journal - Week Five

I've got a bit more done this week. Could of possibly gotten more done.
I am pleased how the character model and character sheet turned out, as i was dreading them before i done them. As i am not so confident in my anatomy drawing skills.

I do believe i could of done better in my line environment studies. However, i am pleased how some of them turned out.

Next week i am focusing on my value and colour environment studies. And i am hoping to start my finals towards the end of the week.

Life Drawings

These are my life drawings from several of my life drawing workshops

The one above, and a few from below are from a costume drawing session in the life drawing session. I found it particularly fun.

Character Model, Character sheet and first of the environment thumb nails

Character sheet

My character sheet is to show how my character would move, stand etc. in a game.

Character model sheet

This is to show my character in different angles and if in the industry help the modeler to create a 3D model of my character. And another model sheet for the compass (my version of the tinder-box), and the scarf

First of The Environment Thumbnails

 Line studies – I'm not to keen on my line studies. From the top left clockwise: thumbnail of a bar interior, thumbnail of a landscape of the state of New York, thumbnail of a New York street and a thumbnail of an airstrip.
For the New York state landscape thumbnail, i was given a demo to make the trees more life like and more readable in the line study

At this stage now, i am beginning to present my work in a organized fashion