Thursday, 20 November 2014

Iterations with progression!

Much Further Iterations (With actual progression!) And final character design

 Jacket Iterations
With this set of iterations, I experimented with different styles of flight jacket.

The collar in jacket 2 is too stiff and doesn't look right, but I like the belt and openness of it. I love the collar on jacket 4, and I love the badge and the strap on the cuffs on jacket 3. Want to incorporate these features onto one jacket design.

Hairstyle Iterations.

The faces on these iterations took for ever to do, they kept looking too masculine. I was given advice to soften the face features, which helped a lot as the faces look like a woman's face. Yay!

I'm absolutely loving hairstyle 4, it looks like a hairstyle from the 1930's. Hairstyle 7 remind me of Madonna.... Not the intended look I want. Don't mind 8 (I know it isn't a hairstyle), I wanted to see what a old aviation hat would look like on my character. Not sure? Think I prefer to show the hair rather than hide it under a hat. Really don't like 5 hairstyle, Princess Leia anyone?
One thing that all the hairstyles have in common that I like, the hair actually looks like hair!

Clothing Iteration

These iterations are of different style/colour of clothing. I love the sassy boots at the bottom, particularly the last two, they are my strongest boot designs. The first one looks too 'Steampunky'. I've also done further iterations of the aviation jackets and one iteration on civilian clothing. The clothing fold workshop has helped a lot with the clothing iterations.

The Final Character Idea 

BEHOLD! My final character idea. To pat myself on the back, i actually like what I've created for once

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